Every schoolchild or student who is truly passionate about mathematics dreams of making a discovery. Outstanding
achievements in this area of knowledge are rare: for thousands of years the best minds of mankind have worked on it
improvement. But real scientists, with their perseverance and talent, open up new horizons, finding
application in applied science. Therefore, even the usual calculating
algebra , training the mind, in the future can lead to worldwide recognition, expressed
Gold Fields Medal.
To whom and for what was the mathematical analogue of the Nobel Prize awarded?
For some reason, the Nobel Prize is not awarded to mathematicians. Its analogue was introduced at the suggestion
Canadian scientist John Charles Fields. Since 1936, the gold medal has been awarded to young people (no older
forty years) to mathematicians who made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the "queen of sciences". To the badge of honor
attached cash bonus, scati, not very large (in 2006 it was 15 thousand Canadian
Only six dozen distinguished scientists have been honored with the Fields Prize for the history of this award. IN
in particular, the laureates were:
- Perelman (2006). Grigory Yakovlevich managed to solve the problem over which generations have fought in vain
mathematicians. He proved Poincaré's hypothesis, formulated in 1904 and consisting in the assumption
homeomorphism of a three-dimensional sphere with a simply connected compact three-dimensional manifold without boundary. Plain
example: a balloon can be used to form a body of any shape, but without holes in it. Whole
the torus cannot be collapsed. Perelman has not received the award to this day.
- Okunkov (2006). Andrey Yurievich worked long and hard to identify the connection between the problems of the theory
probabilities with methods of numerical geometry. Many great discoveries were made at the junction of different,
sometimes distant from each other, areas of science.
- Villani (2010). The Italian mathematician received an award for explaining a physical phenomenon. He tied
kinetic Boltzmann equation with the law of wave attenuation in plasma discovered by L. D. Landau.
- Witten (1990). The uniqueness of the situation is that for the first time, and so far the only time, the laureate
The Fields Prize was not a mathematician, but a physicist. In addition, Edward Witten only formulated, and not
proved (this was done later by other scientists) his hypothesis. But this problem statement
the mathematical community was recognized as a significant achievement worthy of a gold medal with a profile
John Fields.
It is difficult to solve math problem worthy of this award. To understand many great
mathematical discoveries and realizing their significance, it takes many years of hard work.